Found this zinester on Etsy and thought it was cool that they have a series of mental health mini zines each one featuring a creature with a shell.
The zines are comics telling a short story about an aspect of their lives. The hermit crab struggles with body image. The turtle struggles with following their dreams. The armadillo struggles with gender identity. The snail struggles with seeking help with their mental health. Each zine is a cute little story about trying to find the bright side for each struggle.
I really enjoy the art style of Sewer Babe (Whitney Billings). I love how they decided to personify each creature, although if I had to pick my favourite it would have to be Snail. It will probably be the cutest snail human I ever see.
For more art and comics (zines) by Sewer Babe you can check out their Instagram, Etsy, Patreon or Gumroad (for digital comics).