Craig (fiveoclockzine) found me on Instagram and followed me, thankfully, and eventually I was able to gather up the courage to ask him to trade.
The little three little mini zines (The Hungry Cat, Landscapes and Cityscapes From My Mind & How I Make Coffee: A Fanzine About Coffee) that he sent were a delight to look through. Fun little snippets from his mind. I loved how they weren't the standard size for a mini zine also.
Coffee & People is his main zine series. Focusing on life stories he has been thinking about a lot lately, or was reminded of because of something that recently happened to him. It's cool to see the progression of how this series is made over time. It started as a mini zine made out of two pages and glued together, a very solid mini zine that was made with care. It progressed into a bigger zine with many pages later on. Reading about his memories is very intriguing to me. To see which moments he has chosen, out of all the possible moments. It definitely feels like a physical embodiment of early morning thoughts over coffee in the quiet beginnings of a brand new day.
I'm also excited for 5 O'Clock Press and where it may lead in the future. In the first issue he explains, "Why zines?" I wholeheartedly agree with his response.
If you don't know who fiveoclockzine is then you are missing out. Check out his Instagram page here to see his zine reviews. You can also check out his personal Instagram account.
You can buy his zines online as well on his BigCartel page.
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